1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
8 tbs (1 stick) of unsalted butter, cut up
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
Pour sugar into a small heavy sauce pan. Pour water evenly on top of sugar. With the stove on med-high heat, hold the saucepan handle and swirl around until sugar is dissolved all the way. Once dissolved, turn heat to high, cover pan and boil for 2 minutes.
Remove cover and continue to boil until syrup turns brown around the edges and turns to a nice amber color.
Keep going....When the syrup starts to smoke, it is done!
Perfecto! Now, you want to remove from heat and whisk in the pieces of butter until all butter is melted and mixed in. Be careful! When you put the butter in, the syrup will bubble and start to foam up.
Once butter is combined, stir in the cream. If mixture gets lumpy, place back on heat until smooth. Stir in the vanilla and salt.
This stuff is like molten lava! Be careful before putting any in your mouth! It will be hard to resist temptation, but for the safety of your mouth..wait a bit!
Horrible lighting, I know! Im working on it! |
Store in a mason jar in the refrigerator. This makes enough for 1 pint. I do not know the exact shelf life of this. I have had some last int he frig for several months. It does not happen too often as it usually gets eaten up in a week or 2!
Thank you! I made this today and it is yummy!! Plus it helps that it is so easy!